With the purpose to give absolute solution to customers. We are grateful to our customers for their faith in our services, which made us better in giving ID card services. Our skilled team working hard to assist its clients with their experience.
An estimation survey done by the EIA on its portal, before this year, exposed that just 30.56 per cent recognize the advantages of the Emirates ID card, whereas 45 per cent were uninformed of the rights of the Emirates ID card has to present which comprise on easy transactions and applications in both the private and government division, in addition to the online and smart services offered by several units in the state.
According to the immigration laws of the UAE, all the residents of the country must have an identity card. This card is mandatory for all the residents aged over 15. The emirates ID card is a multi- functional card with biometric information and other advanced features that eliminate the need to carry other identification forms like work permit, passport, e-cards and driving license. The Emirates ID card contains all the necessary details about the holder (identity no., name, photo, nationality, fingerprint, passport data, and other fields).
The registration procedure for an Emirates ID card can be cumbersome and time-consuming. ExecPro can streamline this entire process of registration and can save your precious time. In addition to registration for Emirates ID card, we also provide services for the replacement of damaged, lost or stolen ID cards, renewal of ID cards and other related services.
Hence the importance of the Emirates ID Card is indeed very high. So if you want any services regarding ID card you won't find any better company than us.